Concrete Release Agents

Lavidasil™ CONZ 505This product is a concentrate water-based mould release agent preventing the adhesion of hardened concrete on the mould surface. We recommend prediluting Alternatif 505 concentrate release agent with cold water in a ratio between 1:3 to 4. But this will vary depending on the severity of the customer needs, that’ s why; the user should determine the best concentration and application method on a small scale before production.
Lavidasil™ RTU 506This product is a water-based, ready to use mould release agent preventing the adhesion of hardened concrete on the mould surface.
Lavidasil™ RTU 507This product prevents the sticking of the concrete to the surface of the mold and the formation of air bubbles by forming a lubricating film in the mold, thus facilitating easy separation of the mold from the precast based concrete and a smoother concrete.